Guidelines ガイドライン

✅ 荒らし行為、スパム行為の禁止
✅ ハラスメントの禁止
✅ 他人への誹謗中傷の禁止
✅ 節度と敬意を持った言動をお願いします
✅ エロ、グロ、NSFWコンテンツを禁止します。


不明点がある場合は、ARATAMA 璞 DAO Founder(Discord内 @aratama)までお問い合わせください。


✅ Prohibition of trolling and spamming.
✅ Prohibition of harassment.
✅ Prohibition of slandering others.
✅ Please use moderation and respect in your words and actions.
✅ No erotic, grotesque, or NSFW content.

These rules may be updated at any time.
Please understand that any such behavior will result in an account ban.
Please help us make this a pleasant experience for everyone!

If you have any questions, please contact ARATAMA 璞 DAO Founder (@aratama in Discord).

Copyrights © 2023 ARATAMA 璞 All rights reserved.